My passions for models, cars and road trips
Background on my love for all things automotive.
My Interveiw with Collector's Weekly in 2010
Turns out there is a place that celebrates obsessed collectors like me.
Automotive-themed AI
Artificial Intellegence is amazing. "Gort" applies it to our world with stunning results.
Kids These Days by Lee Kolosna
Poignant testomonial about days past of model-building from 2001.
The 73 GTO Odyssey (2001)
Brother Mark's 1973 GTO started this chain of adventures.
A 72 Chevelle On Route 66 (2003)
My friend Joe D and I bought a Chevelle. Tragically, he's gone today.
Julie's BMW Z3 Birthday Surprise (2005)
I need to get my wife in on this act.
Erica's Epic American Journey (2008)
What responsible parent does this?
The 58-Year Pilgrimage (2016)
My earliest car memory fosters my worst car purchase ever.
I'd really rather have a 1967 Buick (2021)
A return to Route 66, this time with a co-pilot.
The Challenge of Owning a Final Call Dodge Challenger (2024)
This was going to be the least dramtic of my seven cool-car return adventures. On the contrary....